Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I am Happy

Wow! It's been such an amazing, whirlwind, intense, wonderful, busy week. I'm exhausted as I sit here writing this but really, it's true...

I am so full of energy for the work we are doing at Invisible Children. I have discovered many wonderful things in the last week and a half at the office...the community here is incredible. The environment is so healthy and the diversity amongst everyone I'm working alongside is quite brilliant, really. I love that so much diversity was brought together by a common thread, the urgency of the need to see an end to the war affecting our brothers and sisters in Northern Uganda and the DR Congo. The desire for peace and justice, for lives changed, for Nations changed, for eyes opened to an atrocity & for restlessness because of it...restlessness that provokes action.

While all of this is amazing and really, being a roadie is quite unique and cool in many ways, it's not a glamorous job. I realized that I've had a distorted image of what success might mean for me. I've had this picture of something glamorous that I thought I needed to have. But what I took away from my year in New Zealand, and what I'm learning here at Invisible Children, is that this is not actually true for me. I feel more fulfilled than I have in a long time., with the focus off of 'me' I feel so free. It is so important for me to remain rooted in God and in the Word during the busy days here. It's so important for me to invest in each and every person I meet along this journey. It's so important for me to tell those of you reading this that I love you and am so grateful for your encouragement. And it's so important for me to go to bed at a reasonable time...


{I'll try to post weekly, at least, about my time here and what we're doing. Thanks for reading!!}




  1. I love your insight! You live such a different life than so many I know (including myself), its fun to hear all about it :)

  2. Thanks Britt! I love the challenge of writing about the things I am doing in ways that (hopefully) everyone will enjoy. Means a lot that you keep up with it! :)
